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Filtarite™ Filter Tape

At Latrave, we have built our reputation around the design, development, and manufacture of tapes for specialist applications, where the product needs to deliver more than simple adhesion.

One such application is multi-wall polycarbonate sheeting, where, when traditional tapes are used in applications, they provide the required adhesion, but they do not aid the movement of particles. This can quickly result in ingresses of dust, debris, and insects, as well as large amounts of condensation due to the static temperatures and particles.

This condensation can also affect the adhesive properties of several standard tapes, making it less than ideal for long-term use. This is why we have developed our own brand of filter tape to work with these issues rather than against them.

Our proven Filtarite™ brand range of filter tape is a breathable self-adhesive commonly, though not exclusively, used on these polycarbonate sheeting applications. It is made up of a breathable filtration mechanism to allow the easier passage of small particles, insects, and water vapour through the membrane. This both decreases the build-up of dirt in hard-to-reach places and helps to regulate the conditions (i.e. moisture and condensation levels) whilst still providing a strong seal.

With a water-repellent design and BBA testing, our filter tapes are manufactured from FDA-approved materials and deliver high-performance adhesion with UV stability. We have also developed the technology to print on both the branded and treated sides of the polycarbonate for identification and branding purposes.

Use in conjunction with our blanking tape for the best results.

Available in standard roll lengths of 33m, and a range of longer and shorter lengths available upon request, get in touch with us today to discuss how to filter tape can help your application.

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Filter Systems


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